Hear me roar

The go-to look ... You know when you buy something super-cute and you find yourself wearing it every single day? That's the relationship between me and this H&M skirt. It's almost unhealthy how I can completely ditch all the other skirts and go for this one instead so my past 2 weeks have been pretty much about me wearing different shirts with the same red skirt over and over again. 0.o Not really interesting stuff for a fashion blog, eh? Well, in the weekend (there was finally one day with sunny sky!!) I had to go on some meetings and again - tadaa - ended up with this skirt on my hand. I thought I'll give it a go with this rather old leopard-love of mine that my mom found for me (no wonder where my nose for good bargains comes from! Thanks mom!). I think it's one of the coolest combos ever, considering the leopard as "neutral" balancing bright vivid red. Together they give this cute, fun and casual look that you can rock for pretty much any occassion. Have a business meeting? Throw on some black pumps and a blazer. Going to the movies with friends? Boom - comfy boots and some accessories, you are good to go. 

Btw, the skirt isn't the only item that gets my loving here (now to think about it - I'm pretty much wearing all of the "most favourite" items from my closet in this look!). This scarf is beyond imagination! I got this about  4 years ago from who-knows-where and when the weather gets a bit chillier - even if it's in the spring - the scarf is with me. I cross my heart when I say this and I'm not kidding - I think I've worn this scarf literally for more than thousand times. Well look who's talking about unhealthy fashion-obsessions! I'm so keen to it that I don't even want to buy other scarfs .. I mean, I can't break the sweetie's heart like that, could I :) 

Do you have any all-time favourites like these that you just keep wearing over and over again? What are they? 
 Pictures by Rauno Põldme
Skirt - H&M | Shirt - Lindex | Belt - vintage | Boots - JC | Scarf - unknown

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