Fashion Rant | | The Two Most Important F-words in Your Life

Food & Fashion ... The essentials in our life! We can't live without neither of them and most of the times we are obsessing about them both. In my life, as much as many others, these two areas go hand-in-hand and not only in the "omg-I-love-these-so-much" but as in the meaning they make my whole day. What many might not know is that besides fashion, food is a very big passion of mine. I've had a very complicated relationship with my eating habits but in the past few years I've learned to love food culture in a whole another level and living by myself of course gives a lot of "playground" for trying out unconventional dishes. I love natural products, I'm strongly against promoting processed food and I always try to go for natural items instead (hey but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy a box of cookies as we all .. :D I just try to make more of those items at home as well!). Also, I have very high standars when it comes to restaurants and since R is a chef-to-be I learn a lot from his studies too which has given me a rather strong outlook on food. Though I must admit - I'm not the greatest cook YET, I love everything that has to do with it and when I'm not in the middle of fashion, I can be found watching Gordon Ramsey cooking :) 

Now since food is rather "sacred" to me, you can see the relevance of this post & topic. What's going on with people trying to WEAR food?  It's pretty clear I love food but why on earth should I want to put it on my body? Do these people really love food that much so they can't even put on a normal fabric? I imagine designers brainstorming for a new collection, thinking about how to make a statement and shock people as much as possible and one of them says: "hey you know what would be cool? Let's not make clothes out of fabric, let's make it out of things that people wouldn't ever think .. like meat, veggies and candy! That would be  AWESOME!" ... Do they really think wearing 3-course-meal would make a fashion statement? If so, the statement would be: "Let's forget about telling our children to stop playing with food and sew it on our body instead! That shall give them a lesson about being serious and respect the food that's on our table .. though there are millions of African children who can only dream about a steak or a piece of chocolate" . 
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Designers have gone to extremes with their inventions and though currently this area is a bit more quiet, we all remember Lady Gaga's meat dress on what people didn't even know whether to be shocked or grossed out. The same goes with Jeremy Scott's "Spaghetti dress with meatball necklace" (on the bottom left). Well excuse me there, sir! I happen to love my spaghetti very much but on a PLATE! Can you even imagine walking on the street with it? Hundreds of dogs, cats and .. italians will probably run after you. Ain't that rather dangerous? 

Though the idea of wearing food generally is nothing but disgusting, I must admit there are some designs that make even me go and say "wohoo". The artichoke dress (up right) is chic, elegant and probably the most pretty way ever to use artichokes! If I would be a super-super vegan, I think it would be a statement dress for a prom, wouldn't it?! Well of course if you find a date that would love to go on a prom with a walking vegetable .. 0.o And you will be called "The Artichoke Girl" for the rest of your life! 

I think the only possible way ever to accept the use of food is when it comes to candies because let's face it - even though candies ROCK and I'm a huge sweettooth, I have to admit that candies aren't really "food" if you know what I mean. They are cute, fun, processed like hell and even African kids wouldn't want a ton of candies for dinner since their bodies probably wouldn't handle those substances anyways. So, give it a go with candies and instead of eating them (and gaining a pound!) you can wear that pound on you in a MUCH better way. :) Sounds delish! 

What do you think about the wearable food/edible fashion subject? Are you pro/con to this matter? Which one of the above designs gets your like/dislike? I'd love to hear your thoughts! :) 

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